Minimal Theme


This theme has multiple author support.

  1. First create a /_data/ folder in your sites root directory if none exist yet.

  2. Open /docs/_data folder (located here) and copy the example authors.yml file to your /_data/ folder in your root directory.

  3. Edit the authors.yml file with your own author info.

Here is an example

# Authors

Desired Persona:
  name          : "Desired Persona"
  url           : ""
  email         : ""
  bio           : "Affiliate marketer. Media buyer. Developer."
  post_meta_bio : "Affiliate marketer. Media buyer. Developer."
  picture       : "/assets/images/author.jpg"
  cta           : "Follow"
  cta_url       : ""
  twitter       : "desiredpersona"
  google_plus   : "DesiredPersona"
  facebook      : "desiredpersona"

name: Author name.

url: Make your author name and author avatar clickable.

email: Author email.

bio: This is the author bio shown below each post.

post_meta_bio : This is the author bio shown above each post.

picture: The location of your authors image.

cta: Call-To-Action text.

cta_url: Call-To-Action link. If link contains http:// it will automatically be opened in a new tab.

twitter: Twitter username.

google_plus: Google+ username.

facebook: Facebook username.

How to add an author image

Add your author image to /assets/images/ in your sites root directory. Update your avatar link in authors.yml file with the location to your author image.

How to set a default author site-wide.

You can set a default author site-wide in your _config.yml by adding the following. Note: This will be the default author unless specified in a post front matter.

author: Desired Persona

How to add an author to a post.

Include the following in your posts front matter

author: Desired Persona

How to add multiple authors

You can add as many authors as needed by following the same file format as the author.yml file which makes accepting guest post a breeze.